I was not going to address the recent assassination attempt on President Trump, but the Holy Spirit had a different idea. Leadership in crises is a desperately needed skill. When researching leaders, I study the person and their actions with the benefit of original documentation foresight, as well as hindsight of historical results. I look at the person and research their life and actions at various times. People like King David, the apostle Paul, and Martin Luther. Along with George Washington and other founding Fathers during the Revolution and early development of America. Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, FDR during the Great Depression, and World War II. I study both successful leaders and failures like Nimrod, Jimmy Carter, George W. Bush, Obama, Biden, and many, many industrial leaders—e.g., the recent healthcare debacles.

The commonality that great leaders hold is they begin with or discover during their leadership the basic tenant of scripture; “seek first the Kingdom of God.” (Matthew 6:33). The leader seeks God’s Kingdom first, before everything else, then needs will be met. The Psalmist further communicates that by following God, “Righteousness will go before Him, and shall make His footsteps our pathway.” (Psalm 85:13). Strong leaders attempt to plan for every contingency and have already made some decisions about their directions and responses to any situation; “Choose for yourself this day whom you will serve…” (Joshua 24:15). This pre-planning makes the crisis leader’s response more focused.

With that in mind, if you want to lead in these coming months and years, get your life right with the God of the universe. Embrace the fact that the earth is the Lord’s and everything and everyone in it belongs to Him (Psalm 24:1). Stop kicking against the goad and move to accept Christ as your Lord and Savior. He welcomes everyone who humbles themselves before Him, prays, seeks His face, and then turns from their evil ways—aka, repent. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but will have everlasting life.” (John 3:16). And further, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins.” (1 John 1:9). This is a gift of God, not by any works you can do. (Ephesians 2:8 & 9) When the leader realizes they are not in charge, but God is, then they can truly lead. Are you mature enough to step into that gift and accept your limitations? It does not come without commitment and responsibility.

This past weekend, we saw a heinous crime perpetrated by someone or many people/agencies. The story has not been fully disclosed. The propaganda ministry will provide its spin, but the truth will take a while to emerge. We have seen this in very recent history. The lies by big pharma and governments around the C-19 shots have taken about three years to emerge and prove out another page in the Field Manual for Failed Leadership. Those of us who reported the truth early on were identified as tin-hat conspiracy theorists. Now, the truth is revealed in Pfizer’s own documents, Fauci’s papers, Children’s Health Defense (FYI, an organization led by a Democrat…everyone sees the issue if they open their eyes and ears) and a plethora of truly scientific documents and research—those that followed the scientific methodology. It was an experimental shot with grave (no pun intended) outcomes. The death toll from the shot has far exceeded that of actual “C-19.” Check out the British, Scandinavian, Italian, and Israeli reports. Even America’s academics are starting to throw off the shackles of big pharma to report the truth. What I am trying to say is that leaders sometimes must step out of their comfort zone and take an advanced position. They must seek and report truth regardless of the social, financial, professional, and familial consequences. When truth is found and confirmed, leaders stand by it.

The 2020 election is another example. The grift and corruption is taking longer to see the light of day, but it is emerging and will be seen as one of the biggest hoaxes in history. However, when a leader has investigated, touched, and read primary documentation and interviewed those impacted, they must take a stand. I did. I can share the confirmed documentation and the legal papers filed, and I will be very happy when those who perpetrated the lie/hoax pay for their crimes. Some in various jurisdictions are already behind bars. Leaders learn to be patient and wait upon the Lord (Psalm 27:14).

So, back to this weekend and the attempted assassination. Most importantly, the world saw God at work. The slight turn of President Trump’s head at the exact moment needed was orchestrated by God and His mighty warrior angels. Not unlike George Washington at the Battle of Monangahela. The response of Trumps’s protection detail was all they could do (thanks to the sniper who finally took out the evil), but their help was of limited benefit; God had already handled the situation. As a true and tested leader, Trump followed the guidance of his team, stood, and left the stage. Defiantly, he told the crowd it would be up to us to keep the fight for sound and righteous government going. In times of crisis, the leader never comes off message!

A leader takes time to research and develop his/her position. My opinion and focus on the weekend of July 13th, 2024, has taken about eight years to develop. In 2016, I was convinced we had no choice for president. I was not going to vote for Mr. Trump and would never vote for a practicing witch like Hillary. She worshiped at the altar of Baal, and I wasn’t convinced about Trump’s integrity. By 2018, my thoughts on Hilary had become even more rooted in fact, but my stance on President Trump began to change. Then, I saw a real leader emerge. Against all odds, he became the first President to attend the Right to Life rally in DC. He believes in the sanctity of life. He mobilized the Federal Marshalls to rescue trafficked children in the biggest effort in history. He and Melania put their efforts and names to another sanctity of life issue. The left has attempted to tie him, mockingly, to Epstein and trafficking. The record (yes, I read the original documentation; easily found) mentions his name 3, maybe 4 times. He was never on Epstein Island, and he met Epstein twice. Once at Trump Towers and then in Florida, when Epstein was permanently barred from the property. Trump saw a snake and dealt with it. The detractors attempt to spread lies, but as a true leader, Trump lets the record stand for itself and moves on. Did you notice how once the report was out, the MSM dropped their rhetoric because they saw there was nothing in it to implicate him? Only the propaganda ministers try to keep it alive. Leaders don’t waste their time dealing with collective ignorance.

Part 2 following

Kevin Uncategorized

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