Leadership in Critical Moments Part 2

Most telling, Trump openly began professing his belief in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and that God had healed him and Melania of COVID-19. He moved the embassy to Jerusalem by God’s leading and in support of Israel. I then examined another author’s documentation of Trump as the Cyrus Candidate (Lance Wallnau; The Chaos…

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Leadership in Critical Moments Part 1

I was not going to address the recent assassination attempt on President Trump, but the Holy Spirit had a different idea. Leadership in crises is a desperately needed skill. When researching leaders, I study the person and their actions with the benefit of original documentation foresight, as well as hindsight of historical results. I look…

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Be Sure No One Deceives You

As leaders, we must be aware of deceptive practices. Whether we are leading a business, a classroom, a church, or a family, the spirit of deception is active and attempts to keep us from accomplishing our God-given purpose on earth. Deception is a subtle scheme that makes sin look different from its true condition. Eventually,…

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Leadership and Setting Things Right

Sometimes, it becomes incumbent on a leader to correct problems. That corrective action may be painful for the leader to execute and may lead to pain and loss for others, an organization, and a culture, but ultimately, it results in improvement. The leader has to use the power of his/her position or their referential/assumed power…

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Unity and The End-Time Church

This is the third and final post in this series on the end-time church. In the previous post, we reviewed the functions of the end-time church in the Kingdom of God. We are not, as leaders and Kingdom messengers, to sit idly by waiting on the rapture during the latter days. Don’t get me wrong,…

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The Picture of The End-Time Church

This is post # 2 of 3 on the prophecy and function of the end-time church. The book of Revelations gives a clear picture of the churches we can expect to see and are experiencing today as we hurdle toward the end times. The church of Ephesus can be compared to many of today’s mainline…

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Prophecy of The End-Time Church

There is a special church in our future. This church was prophesied approximately 700 years before Christ’s birth. It is the church of the latter days on this earth. When it will be established in its fullness, I do not know. I have a strong sense it is in its developmental stages and may be…

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Being A Great Follower Makes a Good Leader

In the last post, I dealt with leading the church in difficult times. Boldly leading the church when the culture attacks from all sides will be difficult and require a special leader. How do we find, train, and turn these strong leaders loose?  Stay tuned. When Christ began calling his disciples, He bade them to…

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Leading the Ekklesia at This Time in History

This post may be a multiple-day affair. The Holy Spirit started working on me with a message about leadership in perilous times. We are definitely in that time. In his book Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting (1973/2023), Derek Prince relates a story of a vision for Kenya in the 1960s. A young man in…

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What We Need Is Change—spelled R-E-V-I-V-A-L

Change is not easy. However, I enjoyed change management and built a 40-year career on disruption and managing change in healthcare. But the change we need now is different. This is change with an eternal purpose. God the Father moved to make a change in me and to revive my Spirit toward Him. A personal…

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