Since my last blog in December, we have transitioned through the holidays to a new year. That last blog of 2024 encouraged the church not to lose focus. The new administration takes over in a few days, and the deep state and their equally uninformed minions continue to attack. Just remember that God created government, not politics. Don’t get distracted by politics. Those with an anti-Biblical worldview will attempt to back the church into a corner as un-American and intolerant. They will continue their attack on Christ and His church, trying to paint Biblical precepts as hate-speech, bigoted, and against all that America stands for in the world. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Because of God, obedient Founding Fathers, and the resulting Constitution, we have the freedom to say and write the truth. Nobody has the right to censor that freedom, especially not the government. The church needs to seize that fact and spread the Gospel everywhere in the time we have been granted. This means posting, speaking, and writing Biblical truth and love in bold and unashamed words. It means we point to sin in the culture and attempt to lead others out of their sin. What culture does with the truth is up to them.
For example, I have observed posts on various platforms de-crying the fact that some states are passing laws that recognize and support the Biblical definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman. This is a Godly definition. That means an XX/XY bond and nothing else qualifies. America is a Constitutional Republic (see Article 4, section 4 of the Constitution), not a democracy. Therefore, the states have the freedom, under God first and then the government, to decide how they will approach God’s natural law—see the Declaration of Independence for a discussion on natural law (“the law of nature and nature’s God”). Common law is based on God’s unwritten natural laws. This is why God told us to study “to show yourself approved” (2 Timothy 2:15). God wrote these laws and expects Biblical common sense to prevail. So, regardless of whether you agree with what one state is doing or not, they have the Godly mandate and judicial right to define marriage. They also have the right to limit or ban abortions, decide how their children will be educated, and what sick-care those children will be subjected to.
The prophet Jeremiah tells us that man’s heart is deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 17: 9 & 10). God searches the heart and tests the mind. Perhaps that is why California is suffering through great destruction now. God does not tolerate for long those worshipping witchcraft, sexual deviancy, and turning their back on His Word. He has found man’s heart in opposition to what He expects. There are many strong followers of Christ in the geographic areas under judgment, and we always pray for their protection. Many miraculous stories of God’s supernatural protection have emerged from the disasters in California, North Carolina, Florida, etc. However, church, recognize that our culture has invited the judgment we see now. If God did not spare the Israelites from judgment, why do we think we are exempt?
The church should not be surprised. For decades, it has been apathetic on matters of government, witchcraft, education, abortion/murder, gay marriage, etc. The church, especially the Western, empirical church, has not opposed the sin perpetuated by government and culture. In many cases, the church has willingly invited sin into its house, much like we saw the Capital Police inviting the J-6 protesters into the Capital—thank the Good Lord for CCTV, which proved their innocence from “insurrection” charges. In seeking truth, the church is not to be of this world but just passing through (1 John 2: 15-17). We are not to compromise God’s Word with cultural edicts. The church must stand firm on the Biblical truths God laid before us and entrusted to our stewardship. This, regardless of the titles and monikers, society attempts to place on us.
Is this hate speech? No. Hate speech does not define an escape route from assured death and eternal torment. God does not want anyone to perish (2 Peter 3:9). However, when the culture abandons Him and rejects His Word, we, the church, must stand firm and proclaim His truth (Romans 1: 16-17; Ephesians 4:25; 2 Timothy 2:15). I work with men who have fallen far and hard. I teach classes on life skills and leadership. Nobody has fallen outside the reach of a loving God. I can tell you, just as I tell these men, that God loves all of us. There is now, therefore, no condemnation for those walking in Christ Jesus according to the Spirit (Romans 8:1). But we must humble ourselves before God, pray, seek His face, and repent of our sins, accepting Christ as Savior. Christ will accept each of us, but He will not accept our sins. He cannot accept witchcraft, LGBTQ, abortion, lying, hatred, adultery, pornography, etc., but with confession and repentance, He will accept each of us. It is Love, agape (Greek) love, that provides the exit strategy from hell. It is available to each who seeks it and accepts it. The church must speak the truth in love and tell the fornicators, liars, unrighteous, etc., that they will not be accepted in God’s Kingdom (1 Timothy 1: 8-11). This is not hate speech. It is, rather, the love of the Father providing the message before it is too late.
WAKE UP, church! If those in the culture reject His words and teachings, that is on their shoulders. Your responsibility is to tell the truth. They will accuse you of being in a cult, of being hateful, a bigot, an idiot, etc. Their opinion of you matters not at all. You are playing for the Coach, not the people in the stands. Love them enough to tell the TRUTH.
Be blessed in 2025, and hang on for the ride.