What I Believe and Why, Part 2

The prior post discussed the obligation of a leader to start with why to engage and motivate his team. I used an example from my own life about explaining an important concept. Now I will expand on the history behind my “why” that I was trying to make clear to my family. Moving to a…

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The Leader and Truthful Communication

My last post on leaders standing against the tide also emphasized the importance of leaders communicating all information even if it goes against what is thought to be the accepted message. Granted, there are times when leaders may know an answer but must keep it quiet due to other, trickle-down impacts. There will be a…

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Leaders Standing Against the Tide

On September 7th of last year, I posted a blog about leaders standing against the tide when they know something is wrong. Northouse (2019) defines leadership as a process where individuals influence others in the achievement of a common goal. This process is “not a linear, one-way event, but rather an interactive event” (Northouse, 2019,…

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