This is the third and final post in this series on the end-time church. In the previous post, we reviewed the functions of the end-time church in the Kingdom of God. We are not, as leaders and Kingdom messengers, to sit idly by waiting on the rapture during the latter days. Don’t get me wrong, I do not know when the end will come, as even Christ said He did not know the time; only The Father knows. This fact makes the parable of the ten virgins and the wedding feast even more poignant. We are to be ready to meet Christ at any time. We are to be prepared and always work with the talents and gifts God has given us (Matthew 25).
If we are active in our gifts as fellow saints in the Kingdom of God, what does the end-time church look like, and why is that so important? Paul describes unity as a key attribute (Ephesians 4:13). The Greek word is henoteta which can be translated as oneness or unity. It conveys that the church is pulling together for one purpose: to faithfully teach and lead others to a full knowledge of Christ as our savior. There are no denominational boundaries or disagreements. The Word of God is taught boldly and uncompromisingly everywhere. Sin is called sin, and grace is extended to all who repent and seek a full life with Christ. The Word of God guides the church, not cultural norms. All oars are in the water, pulling in the same direction. Nobody is dragging an oar or throwing others out of the boat because of denominational differences. False Biblical teaching is called out and corrected, but everyone is pointing to Christ as Lord.
The result of this unity in faith is that the church is no longer a child drinking milk. Rather, the church is fully grown/mature in Christ (Ephesians 4:13). We will be Kingdom messengers, confidently operating in the gifts provided by God through Christ. Our Lord will find the church as a bride that He will protect and wash clean (Ephesians 5:25 & 26). Then, He can present the church to Himself without spot or blemish (vs 27).
Derek Prince combines the verses in chapters 4 & 5 of Ephesians to give a synopsis of the end-time church. It will be a church that,
- Unites in faith.
- Acknowledges Jesus Christ as its head.
- Fully matures in the knowledge and faith of Christ as the Lord of lords and King of kings.
- Abounds in God’s glory. The church can’t hold the glory back; it flows spontaneously.
- Will be holy and set apart without blemish.
We have a way to go to get to this vision and, seemingly, a very short timeframe. To arrive at the endpoint, denominations will become even more irrelevant, and church buildings will be mostly empty. Congregations will do church differently and move to a first-century construct of home or small, micro churches. Note, these are all personal predictions based on what I see the Holy Spirit constructing in the latter days. Why such dire predictions? Holy Spirit, history, and observation. Denominational religion brings boxes in which God must live to be acceptable. In these boxes, Christ cannot be the Lion of Judah calling sin a sin. He has to accept everyone as they are and cannot tell anyone, “Depart from me, for I never knew you.” The juxtaposition is that He does love and would accept everyone. But He will not overlook the sin that separates us and for which He died. We have to repent from murder (aka abortion, euthanasia, and other forms), homosexuality, transgenderism, greed, lying, adultery, fornication, stealing, et al. When we do that, then we will join Him in His Kingdom. Revelations 21:8 leaves no doubt as to who will not be joining us in heaven.
Additionally, some denominations refuse to accept what Paul spoke of in Chapter 4, verse 11 of Ephesians and elsewhere. There are positions given by God, such as apostleship, evangelism, prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues, and interpreting tongues. Egadz, several denominations just blew a fuse! As Paul vividly attests, post-resurrection, the charismatic gifts are not relegated to the Pentecostal Church as a denomination, nor are they dead (I Corinthians 14:18-33; requires a whole separate post). I know Messianic Jews, Lutherans, Catholics, Baptists, and Methodists who operate in their charismatic anointing. The dispensational cessationists (of which I was formally a card-carrying member) need to read and meditate on their Bible. The Kingdom and its gifts are alive. The gifts do seem to go dormant from time to time, but they are very real.
From the last three posts, we see a prediction of the desperate need for an end-time church that will look and function differently from what we are used to seeing. One thing remains consistent; the need for Christ and telling the world of His unconditional love.
Segments of this post were inspired by Derek Prince’s book, Shaping History Through Prayer and Fasting (1973/2023; Whitaker House). If you have not read this treatise, I highly recommend it as it was also the founding document of Intercessors for America (IFA).