The Leader and Truthful Communication

My last post on leaders standing against the tide also emphasized the importance of leaders communicating all information even if it goes against what is thought to be the accepted message. Granted, there are times when leaders may know an answer but must keep it quiet due to other, trickle-down impacts. There will be a…

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Leaders Standing Against the Tide

On September 7th of last year, I posted a blog about leaders standing against the tide when they know something is wrong. Northouse (2019) defines leadership as a process where individuals influence others in the achievement of a common goal. This process is “not a linear, one-way event, but rather an interactive event” (Northouse, 2019,…

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Back on Being a Purposeful Leader: Finally!

My first post here was June of 2020 and my last post was September of 2020. Significant water has passed under the bridge. The covid scare is, unfortunately, still with us but we understand much more. I am still working on my doctorate and I have retired after 40-years in the healthcare field. With retirement,…

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Sometimes The Leader Stands Against The Tide

Sometimes as leaders we stand against our organization’s tides, the world tides our family tides. This takes fortitude and bravery. The story of Daniel’s 3 friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego is a great example for leaders. The back story is that the King (the boss) decreed that everyone bow down to a false God (perhaps…

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The Truth Wins Out

Last post I discussed that the leader has to understand who he or she is in Christ. Some of you may not be Christian and you will have to reconcile that with God. That is a choice you get to freely make. To me, you may be a good leader, but you can’t be the…

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The leader’s journey starts with knowing yourself

“First, leadership is a process. It is not an event – something that happens once and is over” (Woods, 2016, p. 79). A colleague of mine echos Rod Woods’ statement by saying “This is a journey, not a sprint.” She utilizes this witticism for many challenges at work but it is no less applicable to…

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Just getting started

Today I start a process that I do not know where it will take me or anyone reading this site. I have felt the lead of God to talk about leadership as He designs it. First, a little about me. I am the COO of a large multi-specialty medical group. I have been in healthcare…

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