As 2023 advances into 2024, our roles as leaders in God’s Ekklesia will take on even greater importance. There appears to be a segment of societies around the world that want to change culture in order to eliminate all things associated with God and Jesus Christ. Actually, it is likely more accurate to say that some in the government and perceived cultural leadership are focused on controlling more than they should, destroying history, and wanting to eliminate Christ. This group has a clear channel to broadcast across corrupt media who share their anti-God mindset and want to stifle the free speech of opposition. As we lead our churches, ministries, families, communities, and businesses, staying focused on Christ will be paramount.
What becomes the role of a leader in turbulent times? As discussed in previous posts, communication and truth in that communication are key. Leaders must build trust with staff, family, and community in order to influence activities and the direction of the march. The messages will not always be positive, but trusted communication delivered with empathy will build loyalty among followers.
However, before beginning a communication strategy with others, we should concentrate on a very robust communication strategy with God. This should have been our modus operandi from the beginning, but many of us have tried to plan and resolve issues, and only when failure hits do we go to God. I submit that this strategy is wholly backward. The leader must be in prayer first and always (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). Commit plans to God and pray for His discernment and guidance before launching into activity. Christ told us to “seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
Therefore, make a resolution for 2024 to do Matthew 7:7 in all your plans. Ask because when we do, it will be given. Seek, which means, in this case, not to just look around but earnestly endeavor to find God. And finally, knock, and it will be opened to you. Notice Matthew did not tell us to sit around and watch TV, and it will be given to you; this is an active approach. When we go to prayer with our plans, we must ask God what He wants us to do. We must earnestly endeavor to find His guidance and then knock so that He can open the door.
In 2024, don’t be passive about how you lead or initiate projects. Keep first things first and go to God with your plans. Ask what He wants you to do. Seek His face and His purpose. Then knock on the door He puts in front of you, and He will open it. This is the active part in which we are expected to participate. God wants to provide the best for us. Matthew 7:8-11 tells us that God so desires to provide the best and will guide us in executing His plans. If we are “evil” in our humanness but still provide good things to our children, would not the perfect God, in His love and perfect grace, provide the best for us, His children? Recall 1 John 5: 14&15; if we ask according to His will, He will provide that which we ask.
Therefore, resolve to keep God as your first thing in 2024. Pray first, get guidance, and then execute His plan. It will work out much better.